Radiotherapy means irradiating areas affected by the disease or areas where the disease may spread. This treatment is usually done daily, for 5 days/week, with a break on Saturday and Sunday. The irradiation session is short, 1-2 minutes, during which the child will have to sit alone, lying on the irradiation table, completely still.
In order to carry out this treatment, a good collaboration with the child is definitely needed. The child will need to be explained that nothing will happen to him during the irradiation, that he will not feel anything and that it is very important to stay still so that the diseased area can be precisely targeted. The treatment can last for several weeks, as the radiotherapist considers necessary to reach the effective dose, which is different for each type of disease. Irradiation can directly target the primary tumor when used as the sole therapeutic modality or in combination with surgery, for metastases and prophylactically, in the brain and spinal cord.